Nipples are more photogenic when they're hard.
I just thought the nippy Atlantic wind had taken care of that.
So imagine my outright stupefaction, now that he's just grasped my nipple with his gloved hand, without any forewarning.
Which turns to secretive pleasure, as I imagine YOUR hand in the motorized massage glove that's shaping me to pointed perfection. Fuck, this slope could get slippery.
And I slip, slip away. Your gloved hands become your bare hands.
After we canoe the rough waters to even wilder backwoods - "maintained" by the local Boy Scouts, oddly enough, if one believes the signage - your bare hands become your moist lips.
I agree: Nipples are even more photogenic when they're hard, glistening diamonds.
The Whorely Virgin Channel on YouTube:
This video on YouTube:
ReplyDeleteSTRIPPING, Part 3
Nipples are more photogenic when they're hard.
I just thought the nippy Atlantic wind had taken care of that.
So imagine my outright stupefaction, now that he's just grasped my nipple with his gloved hand, without any forewarning.
Which turns to secretive pleasure, as I imagine YOUR hand in the motorized massage glove that's shaping me to pointed perfection. Fuck, this slope could get slippery.
And I slip, slip away. Your gloved hands become your bare hands.
After we canoe the rough waters to even wilder backwoods - "maintained" by the local Boy Scouts, oddly enough, if one believes the signage - your bare hands become your moist lips.
I agree: Nipples are even more photogenic when they're hard, glistening diamonds.
The Whorely Virgin Channel on YouTube:
This video on YouTube:
ReplyDeleteSTRIPPING, Part 2
Oh boy, do I ever attract trouble. Or maybe, I cause it.
The nude photo shoot is MY idea. After all, what else should a woman do when she wakes to unexpected male nudity from a known male nudist? Join the fucking party! Thrust into that glorious rabbit hole!
He makes it easy. Figures that a nudist would also be a sex educator/therapist AND an aspiring erotic photographer. At least that's how he explains his van chock-full of sex toys, pulse-raising lingerie, fantasy costumes, heavy-duty handcuffs, thick rope, and Wolverine claws, all in my size.
The Whorely Virgin Channel on YouTube:
This video on YouTube:
ReplyDeleteSTRIPPING, Part I
What kind of woman "camps" in an Astro Van ... in the middle of nowhere ... with a male nudist she just met?
ME, apparently.
"At least I'm alive," I sigh as I squat to relieve myself in the nearby thicket. The thorny, thistly thicket ...
I've been a clusterfuck of BAD decisions in the last 1,440 minutes, but at least I can be poetic about it.
In his defense, his first words to anybody he encounters are proud protests against anything against his penis, unless it's vagina.
I just thought he meant when he's alone. Or with his friends and family. Or with consenting vaginas. He also means with strangers he offers free van mattress and board to.
I wonder what you'd think about all this? Then I wonder why I even give two fucks. We're "just friends."
I can rise and shine to the dewy aroma of au naturel cock all I want. I could even suck Deadpool's "wheezing bag of dick tips" if I so desired ... FEM LIB, DAMMIT!!!
But the balmy wave your thumbs swept across my knuckles, as you asserted that you'd be back in eight months, intimated something more.
OK fine, I obviously care: care what you think and feel, care about your hopes and dreams, care if you fuck.
And who knows? Maybe the way I attract trouble turns you on?
The Whorely Virgin Channel on YouTube:
This video on YouTube: